Cyber Educator
The exchange is implemented under the Erasmus+ Accreditation of the European Union.
Discover the ins and outs of youth work as part of the “Cyber Educator” project! This staff exchange is an opportunity to share experiences and jointly create innovative workshops for youth. Participants will learn to design and implement inspiring lesson plans that engage and educate. Join us to develop your skills and contribute to creating a space full of creativity and innovation in youth work.
When: 08-17.04.2024
Where: Poland, Międzybrodzie Bialskie
Who: The program is aimed at people who work with youth. We invite participants age 25+ from Poland, Spain, Romania, Estonia and Ukraine.
What: During our exchange we will: -Learn about the best practices of host staff on working with youth
-Together, we will identify best practices and opportunities to adapt them in our own work environment.
-strengthen environmental and sustainability awareness and skills.
-learn the practical use of modern technologies, including AI tools, which will enable innovative approaches to education and youth work.
-learn techniques and strategies for managing stress and developing other key soft skills necessary for working effectively with people.
-increase your language skills through hands-on workshops,
-meet new people and exchange experiences.
-Together create a vademecum that will serve as a practical guide to best practices and innovative solutions in youth work. Participation in labor exchange brings a number of benefits, including: gaining hands-on experience by observing work, developing environmental competence, learning to use modern technology with an emphasis on AI, improving soft skills and stress management, increasing language competence, learning about local youth initiatives, creating valuable educational materials, and evaluating skills gained. This comprehensive experience enables effective and innovative youth work.
Don’t miss the opportunity, join us !
Sign Up Now! The “Cyber Educator” project is an exchange program under the European Union Erasmus+ program, which will take place on April 08.04-17.04. 2024 in Międzybrodzie Bialskie. The program is aimed at people who work with youth. We invite participants from Poland, Italy, Spain, Greece and Ukraine Immerse yourself in eco-awareness, AI technology, and international friendship—all in the breathtaking setting of the Polish mountains!